Hjem » Shop » Urtethe » Rooibos Sweet Chai

Rooibos Sweet Chai

9.18 per 100 g.

Rooibos Sweet Chai is a lovely sweet version of the usually spicy Chai.
This Rooibos blend contains ginger, cinnamon, cardamom and vanilla.
Rooibos does not contain caffeine or tannins.

Recommended preparation: 100 °C water/10 g. per liter water.

Time: 7 minutes.

Rooibos Sweet Chai with milk: 10 – 12 g. Rooibos Sweet Chai, 2/3 L water, 1/3 L sweetened milk.
Boil the blend with water and milk for about 7 minutes, strain away the Rooibos blend and you can enjoy a lovely cup of Chai.

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Ingredients: Rooibos (South Africa), pieces of ginger, cinnamon, cardamom, crushed pepper, pieces of vanilla, cornflower.

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