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Fairy Oolong

14.85 per 100 g.

After 5 years of study and experiments, we finally managed to make a completely straight leaf for this exquisite Wu Yi-like Oolong. For this production, only Gold Guanyin tea plants (Guanyin means Goddess of Mercy) are used, which grow at an altitude of 800 meters in the Weishan Tea Garden. It is a very small production of only between 800-1000 kg. per year. Profile: This tea is a nice quality tea with large, green leaves and a light color in the cup. Since Fairy Oolong is only 10% oxidized, the flavors will be close to a green tea. The bouquet is therefore tender and light with fresh vegetable notes and elegant sweetness. Recommended preparation: 90°C water / 6 g. per litre. water. Time: 5-6 minutes

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Content: Oolong tea (China)

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