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Breakfast Tea

9.00 per 100 g.

Perchs Teashop’s oldest and most sold blend. Lovely powerful and rich English Breakfast Tea consisting of Assam and Ceylon. This tea is excellent for food and can be enjoyed with or without milk. Profile of Assam FTGBOP: A classic small-leafed, powerful tea with golden “tips” in between the dark leaves. The taste of Assam is full-bodied, strong and malty with a slightly sweet note, which is especially present if you add milk. The tea contains a lot of tannic acid and can therefore appear dry if enjoyed without milk. Profile of Ceylon I BOP: Nice, uniform, small-leaved quality with a dark deep color. Ceylon I is an exciting tea with a bouquet that can be described as rich forest floor with notes of orange and sweetness. The tea contains a lot of tannic acid and can therefore tolerate milk, which also highlights the sweet, fruity notes. Recommended preparation: 100°C water/6 g. per liter water. Steeping time: 5 minutes* *We recommend a longer steeping time if you want to add milk.

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Content: Black tea (India), black tea (Sri Lanka)

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