Today, 16 April, Denmark’s oldest tea shop turns 189 years old. A lot has happened since the tea shop opened in 1835, while many traditions have been well preserved all these years.

We have the deepest gratitude for the support and kindness that we receive, and it is an honor that we can still deliver the best quality teas with eternal respect for the company’s long-standing history.

On the occasion of the day, we offer free shipping on all online orders in Denmark and in our store in Kronprinsensgade, all customers receive a small gift with their purchase.

A little look back

We regularly bring small insights into the company’s long-standing history, and here is the story of Annelise and Henning Hincheldey Ravn, who were the owners of A.C. Perch’s Thehandel for more than one generation.

On January 1, 1968, the 23-year-old Henning Hincheldey Ravn stood behind the counter in Kronprinsensgade for the first time, and it wasn’t long before the owner, Ludvig Hincheldey, became aware of Henning’s good taste qualities.

He soon came under expert training in the art of tea tasting, and fell in love with the business, the green leaves, and with the family’s daughter.

The through 7 generations

The old business looks almost like 1835. It undergoes ongoing restorations as daily life wears it, but much of the old interior from 1835 is still intact.

The counter, many of the shelves and golden leather wallpaper on the walls can be traced back to 1835, and the old pharmacy scales are regularly repaired and checked. However, some things are new: electric lights have been installed, staff are occasionally replaced and payment card terminals have been given a fixed seat next to the cash register.

A.C. Perch’s Thehandel has almost always been a family business, where at times there have been three generations behind the counter. High quality requirements and serious professional service have always been the highest goal of the business, and A.C. Perch’s Thehandel can today rejoice in having served seven generations since 1835.

The long-standing success of the business is also due to a highly committed staff who have influenced the spirit and contributed to the development of the old business. Once you are captivated by the of the store and the spirit of our teas, it can be difficult to let go.