Is it only the taste, the mild, bitterly taste, which suddenly becomes fashionable ? Or is it the search for a lost culture? Maybe it is the health aspect, which suddenly draws our attention to the green teas. One thing is very important though,- the green tea is so interesting that we simply have to write about it. But one thing must be perfectly clear: The tea we read about from the early centuries, is green tea ! The green tea is very mysterious and has a certain effect on the soul and the expansion of consciousness.

Where and when ?
Nobody knows for sure if the tea plant originates from China or India, but we can thank the Chinese for the art of tea. Throughout centuries green tea was used as a kind of medicine. It was used at sacred ceremonies around 620 after Christ, when a son of an Indian King brought Buddhism to China. He founded the Zen-families, where green tea becomes a meaningful media due to a ritual.

The poet LU-YÜ publishes his famous script " The Sacred Script of Tea" 780 after Christ.
In the year 552 after Christ the green tea is being brought to Japan by Buddhist monks, where it is enjoyed in the monasteries. As Buddhism is considered state religion, this ceremony is adopted by several privileged classes. But not until 900 after Christ green tea is spread to the whole country and develops into a cult with many formal details.

Green tea production
The green tea is not fermented, which is why it keeps its green color. Depending on withering, the tea is oxidized and go through steam pressure. Then the leaves are rolled in order to press the cells together. This prevents some substances from precipitation by infusion. Then the leaves are dried. The tea holds on to important vitamins, minerals and the sedative substance tannin.

The art of scenting
2000 years ago scents like Jasmine, rose, chrysanthemum and others were added to tea. Today natural, nature identical and synthetical flavours are added to various teas by tea tasters.

Green tea and health
As tea traders we can not describe the health benefits of tea. We suggest you look it up on the internet.